The time has come to launch our next core beer! (If you didn’t know, our LOCAL Lager is already available for purchase online). We’re happy to announce that all of your input from our taproom has told us in no uncertain terms that the next beer HAS TO BE AN IPA. Over the past few months, we have trialled 2 different IPA’s, and have received some great feedback. Based on this, we have brewed 4 slightly different IPAs based on the best parts of the original 2. Each of the brews has a slightly different malt and hop profile. Why brew so many you ask? The answer is simple. As a LOCAL fan, we want you to be involved in choosing the best one! The community that has gathered around us has helped strengthen and guide us in the most incredible way, and we want to make sure that we represent all of you in a way that makes you proud.
Starting on the 18th of March 2022, we are going to be unveiling the new IPA variants at the taproom, and start the voting. Come by to try each of the variants, whether in a full draft or 4 mini tastings, to identify your favourite. Once you, our LOCALS, have decided, we will launch it for full-time sale alongside our flagship Lager.
See more details on the Facebook Event Page.
Keep an eye on our socials and website for the official launch.
IPA all day!